
Selecting the Right Carton Flow System Design

Sep. 11, 2024

Carton flow systems are a crucial element in many warehouses and distribution centers. These systems are designed to enhance productivity, optimize space, and streamline order picking processes. However, selecting the right carton flow system design requires careful consideration of various factors, including product types, inventory turnover, and operational efficiency. In this article, we’ll explore key considerations that will help you choose the ideal carton flow system for your facility.

1. Understand Your Product and Inventory Requirements

Before selecting a carton flow system, it's essential to understand the type of products that will be stored and how they will be accessed. Different carton flow systems are designed to handle different load capacities, box sizes, and product weights.

**Product Weight and Size:** Lighter products typically require less robust systems, while heavier items demand more durable racks. Make sure that the system can accommodate the weight without compromising functionality.

**SKU Variability:** If your inventory includes a wide variety of SKUs with differing sizes, you may need adjustable shelving or modular systems that allow for flexibility. This ensures that your system adapts to changes in product types and sizes.

**Inventory Turnover:** For fast-moving products, a first-in, first-out (FIFO) carton flow system is ideal. It helps ensure that older inventory is used first, reducing the risk of obsolescence. In contrast, a last-in, first-out (LIFO) system might be better for slower-moving items.

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2. Choose the Right Flow Bed Type

Carton flow systems generally come with different flow bed types that impact how smoothly products move through the system. The flow bed type you choose should be aligned with your product’s packaging and size.

**Wheel Bed Systems:** Wheel bed systems consist of numerous wheels that provide flexibility and allow for easy configuration. They are ideal for warehouses with variable product sizes. The multiple wheel contact points provide better support for irregularly shaped cartons and keep them flowing smoothly.

**Roller Bed Systems:** Roller beds offer high load capacities and are best for uniform, heavy products. They ensure smooth carton movement but are not as adaptable for varying carton sizes as wheel bed systems.

**Skate Wheel Systems:** These systems are lighter and best suited for handling small, lightweight cartons. They offer excellent flexibility but may not support heavier items effectively.

3. Consider Carton Flow Rack Layout

The layout of your carton flow system significantly impacts its efficiency and how well it integrates into your overall warehouse design. There are several common layouts to consider, each with its own benefits.

**Gravity Flow Systems:** Gravity-fed systems use an incline to move cartons forward, making it easier for workers to pick items. These systems maximize space and minimize manual handling, improving the speed and accuracy of order picking.

**Push-Back Systems:** For operations where space is limited, push-back carton flow systems allow for deeper storage while maintaining accessibility. This is useful when you have a higher density of storage but want to ensure all products remain within easy reach.

**High-Density Carton Flow Systems:** These systems maximize the use of vertical space, making them ideal for facilities with a large volume of products but limited floor space. They are commonly used in larger distribution centers to store a wide range of products.

4. Ensure System Durability and Maintenance

Carton flow systems are a long-term investment, so durability and ease of maintenance are key factors to consider. A well-built system should be able to withstand the rigors of daily use without constant repairs or maintenance.

**Material Construction:** Look for systems made from high-quality, durable materials such as steel. These systems can handle heavy loads and endure constant use, ensuring long-term functionality.

**Ease of Maintenance:** Over time, carton flow systems may require maintenance, particularly the wheels or rollers that facilitate product movement. Choose a system that allows for easy access to replace worn-out components without disrupting operations.

5. Integrate Technology and Automation

In today’s fast-paced warehousing environments, integrating technology into your carton flow system can provide significant efficiency gains. Automated systems can help track inventory, improve picking accuracy, and reduce labor costs.

**Pick-to-Light Systems:** Integrating a pick-to-light system with your carton flow rack can help workers quickly identify the correct items for order picking, reducing errors and speeding up the process.

**Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS):** AS/RS can be integrated with your carton flow system to automate the movement of products, further reducing manual labor and increasing throughput in high-demand environments.

Questions and Answers

**Q: What is the difference between wheel bed and roller bed systems?**

A: Wheel bed systems provide better flexibility and support for cartons of varying sizes due to the multiple contact points from the wheels. Roller bed systems, on the other hand, are ideal for uniform, heavier products and provide a smoother flow for items of consistent size.

**Q: Can carton flow systems handle heavy products?**

A: Yes, certain types of carton flow systems, such as roller bed systems, are designed to handle heavier products. It's important to choose a system with the appropriate load capacity for your specific needs.

**Q: How does a pick-to-light system work with carton flow racks?**

A: A pick-to-light system integrates lights with your carton flow racks to guide workers to the correct locations. The lights indicate which product and quantity to pick, enhancing speed and accuracy during the picking process.

**Q: Are carton flow systems suitable for e-commerce fulfillment centers?**

A: Yes, carton flow systems are highly suitable for e-commerce operations due to their efficiency in handling high SKU variability and fast-moving products. They help streamline picking and packing processes, making them a popular choice in the e-commerce industry.


Selecting the right carton flow system design is critical to improving the efficiency of your warehouse or distribution center. By understanding your product requirements, choosing the appropriate flow bed type, and considering the system layout, you can ensure a smooth and streamlined order-picking process. Additionally, prioritizing durability, maintenance, and the integration of technology will further enhance the performance and longevity of your carton flow system.

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